We are pushing ourselves to build the best-sounding handmade duck and goose calls that will compete with any on the market. We hand-build every barrel, insert, and reed. Each of us tunes every call to make sure we all hear the same Hammer Call™ sound that we desire. Unlike the major chain calls, we welcome criticism and will hand-tailor any call to the caller.
We are a company of guys who eat, sleep, and breathe the outdoors. We started out as a group of friends and family obsessed with bass fishing. As the years went on, and the cold weather moved in, we would find ourselves wanting something to fill the winter void. So naturally, we found the next most expensive hobby out there: waterfowl hunting.
Cody was the bad influence of the group, and said one day "Hey, we should try duck hunting!" So we all grabbed some cheap calls and our shotguns and gave it a try. Needless to say, it didn't take long to take
hold of our addictive personalities. To our amazement, we found some friends who were willing to take us out with them and show us the ropes. Not long after, we started buying decoys and blinds and we were all in at this point.
After a few months of buying new calls and hunting, we realized that we really had an obsession with duck and goose calls. Problem was that, as most duck hunters know, calls can be very expensive. As fate would have it, Aaron says one day, "Let's just build these damn things." Now, here we are!
If you're interested in truly great handmade duck or goose calls, contact us and see what we are about!
Hammer Calls is a handmade, custom duck
and goose call company. We strive to make
the best custom calls available.
So hit'em with a Hammer!
Tel: 1-402-640-7534